How to Become a Science Advocate

Have you ever thought about getting out from behind your microscope or lab bench and engaging with the public about science?  During these difficult times of dwindling research funds, non-evidence-based policy decisions, and science skepticism, there is an urgent need for science advocates.
  But where to begin? Believe it or not, the skills that you learned in preparation for a career in science can be used to your advantage when it comes to science advocacy.  The Rochester NY March for Science has teamed up with BiteSize Bio to create a webinar specifically aimed at practicing scientists who want to promote science for the common good through public advocacy. In this webinar, we will explain the need for science advocacy and discuss ways in which you can engage the public, policy-makers, and other scientists to support, defend, and promote science.  These activities include working as an individual or organizing as a group, contacting local and national representatives, registering people to vote, getting involved in local political committees, all the way to running for political office yourself. This webinar is a joint effort between BiteSize Bio and the non-profit group Rochester NY March for Science.  As such, this webinar will be presented in a non-partisan way, with constructive tips on how to advocate for science in an enjoyable, constructive and effective manner for the public good.

The live webinar has already past, but it isn’t too late to learn to advocate. Visit the link below to watch a recording of this webinar or email for more information.

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Photograph courtesy of Noah Winslow 2018

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